Places I-V: Poetry at Faultline Journal
I have five poems out at UC Irvine’s Faultline Journal of Arts and Letters https://issuu.com/faultlinejournal/docs/faultline30printfinal
Brandeis University || Florence Levy Kay Fellow in Premodern Disability Studies
Portfolio Items
I have five poems out at UC Irvine’s Faultline Journal of Arts and Letters https://issuu.com/faultlinejournal/docs/faultline30printfinal
Here’s a short story out at Cold Mountain Review. It’s about Italian identity abroad and the conflict with American racism. https://www.coldmountainreview.org/issues/spring-summer-2021/lucia-by-catherine-bloomer
Read my latest piece of flash creative nonfiction at Versification, a literary zine. https://www.versificationzine.com/misfit-micros-may21
The Poet’s Mask, a Poor Yorick Special Issue This poem is published in a special feature for Covid all about masks.
You can find one of my early poems here at Scary Bush. I wrote this poem when I was 17 as part of my high school senior project. So dramatic! I really thought I was such a serious writer then. Continue Reading …
I have three new poems out at Menacing Hedge! They’re all inspired by spring: new beginnings, rebirth, fresh starts. Check them out here!
This is my first poem published in The Gateway Review! I wrote these opening lines years ago, in a creative poetry exchange between myself and Austen Osworth. In the midst of a global pandemic, they seem especially relevant: My friend’s Continue Reading …
Check out my first published story! A piece of flash fiction (under 1,000 words), it’s an account of a young woman’s walk home. Her story is personal–my protagonist has Usher Syndrome, a rare inherited genetic mutation that is the leading Continue Reading …
Catherine Bloomer and Austen Osworth successfully proposed a panel to the American Writers & Writing Programs conference. In the Spring of 2019, WriteOn traveled to Portland, Oregon, to present WriteOn: How to Begin and Grow a Community-Oriented Writing Fellowship. Our Continue Reading …
A set of two timelines (one for the Orlando Innamorato, one for the Orlando Furioso), published by eBOIARDO: Epics of Boiardo and Other Italian Authors: a Resource Database On-line.